I received a phone call 2 weeks ago from the Seating and Mobility Clinic asking if Jackson (our son) needed to make an appointment to have his adaptive stroller refitted. I told the representative that Jackson had Krabbe Disease and that he wasn’t with us anymore, that we had not been able to be with him since October of 2016. The representative apologized and said “I hope he is getting the care he needs” and we ended the call. Once I hung up I realized that due to my brokenness and inability to verbalize exactly where Jackson is I lead the representative to assume due to the Krabbe Disease that we were no longer able or willing to care for Jackson and that he was being cared for by someone else. I immediately called back and luckily got the same representative and explained that Jackson transferred to heaven and even though that information would not change anything within their company that I could not allow any misunderstanding that we ever gave up on Jackson or that we voluntarily let him go. The representative gasped with new understanding and offered heartfelt condolences. I hung up and let loose a silent soul shaking cry for 2 full minutes before returning back to work.

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